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Wright's Writing

Dec 12, 20184 min read
Against "the postmodern novel"
[Here's an excerpt from a book on 'humanism' I wanted to write back in 2006. It's from a passage in which I was arguing against...

May 20, 201810 min read
D. W. Winnicott on playing
Here are some old disjointed notes on a classic book by the psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott. I happen to be skeptical of psychoanalysis,...

Sep 21, 20153 min read
Fragments of humanism
L’enfer, c’est les autres?— Contrary to what Sartre pessimistically thought, if hell exists, it is not other people. It is the absence of...

Sep 15, 20143 min read
Homo ludens vs. homo institutorum
[Excerpt from a book.] The psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott said it simply—one of those simple but profound truths worth remembering: “It is...
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