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Wright's Writing

Jun 25, 20244 min read
NATO's endgame appears to be nuclear war
[This article was published at Compact .] The world is at its most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Back then,...

Apr 17, 20246 min read
Thoughts on the Gaza genocide, the worst crime of the 21st century (so far)
My journal helps keep me sane. From January to March I've occasionally jotted down thoughts on the horrors occurring every day in Gaza,...

May 2, 20239 min read
What “security threat” does China pose?
[This article was published at Common Dreams.] Everyone who abhors war, detests imperialism, and favors cooperation between nations on...

Apr 21, 20237 min read
The second Cold War is more dangerous than the first
[Published in Compact magazine.] Twenty years ago, Noam Chomsky published a bestselling book called Hegemony or Survival. Since then, the...

Apr 19, 20234 min read
The left and the war in Ukraine
[Published at Common Dreams.] To be a leftist in the United States is a dispiriting experience, but in the last year one of the more...

Jun 26, 20208 min read
Capitalism and colonialism
As I frequently and tiresomely reiterate, academic writing tends toward sophistry, superficiality, and obscurantism. Personally, my...

Jul 30, 201918 min read
Notes on a radical interpretation of the Cold War
[Also here]. I’ve been reading Gabriel and Joyce Kolko’s classic The Limits of Power: The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1945–54...

Jul 22, 201910 min read
Marxist theories of imperialism
[Years ago I took notes on the book mentioned below, which I thought I'd post here for the heck of it. Maybe someone will find them...

Dec 13, 20185 min read
100 (more or less) left-wing books
Here's a list of some good leftist books I've come across over the years. Click on the titles for the PDFs. It's a somewhat arbitrary...

Dec 4, 20183 min read
Notes on Indian resistance to the Spanish empire
With regard to the period between the 1530s and 1640s, the great Marxian historian Steve Stern divides the economic system that prevailed...

Nov 17, 20161 min read
A Marxist history of World War II
I recently read a book by Chris Bambery called The Second World War: A Marxist History (2014) and decided it was good enough to take...

Jan 25, 20169 min read
The U.S. in Central America
Notes on a classic. (See also these notes.)— In Inevitable Revolutions: The United States in Central America (1993), Walter LaFeber...

Aug 14, 20153 min read
On late-19th-century decadence and its aftermath
What is the significance of the fact that in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries certain (semi-fascist) sections of the...

Apr 5, 20152 min read
Capitalist fratricide (i.e., neoliberalism)
The nation-state and capitalism were born as twins from the fertile, ancient womb of greed and power-hunger. They grew up together, were...
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